Monday, January 17, 2011

Giving this a shot~

I was told that I should be journaling...well I tried that. I tried that a lot! I just cant seem to keep all the "journals" in one spot..or one of the kids needs a piece of paper so page by page my journals disappear.
So, what do you blog...I have read many different blogs. I have laughed at some, cried at others. I have thought that some shouldnt blog! (which if anyone reads this.. might think!)
I kind of feel silly sitting here typing away. Do I tell this blog about my family? Do I tell it all my hopes? Fears?
My goal in this newish year is to at least give it a shot. It can, for now, be my little secret spot where I can rant and yell about my kids, my husband, my never ending messy house and the money that I never seem to have enough of. I am hoping that through this "shot" I can work through stress. Sometimes having the situation in front of you gives you an objective opinion...
I am also hoping that through this journaling journey ... I learn more about myself! So, with my first blog out goes!

1 comment:

  1. Love you and this is awesome. and so are you.
