Monday, January 17, 2011


So, I am sitting here trying to fall asleep. I have decided that sleeping while reading the computer is not the best idea.
In my short blogging experience (this being only my 2nd post) I thought I would do some blog reading...see what this is all about.  While reading a few personal blogs of complete strangers...I realized this. God is amazing. People are stronger than they give themselves credit for. Sometimes life isn't fair and we have to make tough choices and I might like this blogging thing.

For this year 2011 and beyond ... I am giving it all to God.  My life is in His hands, I am the clay.

These are a few ... not necessarily in order...

*My family finances...I am learning although it is a struggle for me.. that all I have and all my family has God has provided and I need to be giving back to Him faithfully...without thinking "if I write this check I cant feed my family..."

Side note: I am a teacher in heart, I love kids and I love teaching them about God. And in doing this teaching God has taught ME so much! I lead a youth group for kids ages 5-12 and we are learning about being faithful to God. Everything we have belongs to God and if we take care of what He blesses us with He will give us more.

As I am trying to explain kids bedrooms are a mess! My first response is to be upset. However when I stopped to think about can I be upset with them for misusing the toys I have given to them? Am I not doing the same thing with my check book?? With the money God has given to me?? Isnt this the same thing?

*My weight* I am a mom of 4 kids.. its hard for me to lose weight. I am full of excuses... I know that and I am working on it, I cant do it alone. I am putting that in Gods hands too... Silly??? Perhaps. But, I know if it is important to me it is also important to God. I know that God wants me to take care of this body that He gave me. I also know He wants me to teach the kids He gave me to take care of their bodies...we learn by example.

*Past hurts. That is a tough one. Especially when it has to do with family. I can play the victim I can tell you it was never my fault. I can say all these things and I can partially believe that they are entirely true!  Truth is, we all have a part to play. I have to let these go. Fully and completely.
This is going to be an entire blog in and of itself!

*Reading my Bible daily. Sunday morning during the kids service. We talked about being "church potatoes" ..yeah the kids laughed at that! How church potatoes believe in Jesus and love Him..but thats all they do. They don't read their bibles, they only half sing the songs...they don't give to the community...We even named the potato, "Lazy Frank" We talked about how important praying was. I used the illustration of a relationship of me and my son. We talk all the time, laugh, play, we have a close relationship. Then I sent him to the other side of the room and said, ... we don't really get to see each other that often. I only ask him for help when I have an emergency.... our relationship isn't close anymore.... Sometimes I do that with God. Its not intentional by any means but it is something I can fix. Reading Gods Word helps us to have a closer relationship with Him....and I want that for me and my kids! (All of my kids!! The ones that live with me and the ones I teach every week)

*To finish the book I am supposed to be reading...I love to read! I read whole books in a day. Its hard to read one that HAS to be read. Even if it is the best book in the world! (Which btw...this is a pretty good book. Speaks to me on an easy level. I am doing a bible study with two of my very best friends "you matter more than you think" Dr Leslie Parrott)

Thats my list for now..I may as my journey goes find more to add! I am a work in progress God isn't done with me yet!


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